Our Story
We are a family of wilderness enthusiasts from Austin, Tx.During the summer of 2020, we drove our homemade converted shuttle bus into the mountains to live an alternative lifestyle. The adventure showed us there were items missing in the current marketplace. Whether it be material, uniqueness, usefulness, or purpose.We decided to create products that inspire us andlet everyone take the moment with them,even when they leave the trail.

Origin of the Brand
Puddles 2 Oceans is more than our company name, it is our mantra. It pushes us to sacrifice the smaller things in life,so that we can accomplish bigger things.
Our logo symbolizes waves of change.
This is why we say...
Leave the Puddle
Find the Ocean

Meet the Puddler
In 2019, we decided to fulfill a lifelong dream of converting a bus into an RV, The Puddler. While raising toddlers and working, we made it happen with the help of family and friends. After a long hard year of sacrifice and countless hours spent researching and building, our bus came to life.

Our Nature-Inspired Journey
Countless hours and miles later, The Puddler has made its way through Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana. Living on the road is very eye opening.
Thinking about essentials constantly, safety, where we can camp next, and the weather makes you appreciate what is generally taken for granted.
It is arguably, a better way to live.